Chuck Smith Leather Tools

Ol' Smoothie 7/16" Barrel Swivel Knife

$139.95 USD

Material: Stainless Steel

LeatherSmith (LS) Knives have a 7/16" barrel diameter and a regular size finger cradle.
Comfortable, versatile use barrel size between the SLIM and 1/2" diameter Regular Knives. Non adjustable,
has A, B, C and D.

A-LS Barrel & Cradle Length: 2 1/4"
B-LS Barrel & Cradle Length: 2 1/2"
C-LS Barrel & Cradle Length: 2 3/4"
D-LS Barrel & Cradle Length: 3"


NOTE: All knife measurements will be from where you would rest your fmger in the curve of the cradle to the end of the knife barrel- not including the blade itself. All measurements are approximate.


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